The pund jokes.
For the uninitiated, the pund is more than just a word. It not only rolls out of the edge of your tongue like mellifluous nightingale music, its meaning and purports defy any human effort in cataloging the gamut of emotions than accompany the mere utterance of the word "pund".
Pund can be standalone.
Pund goes well with cheese. And other words.
Pund gives other words new meaning. These words can be found in the Bible of those who follow The Word-the Compundium.
Here are excerpts from the Good Book.
--Pundes-1.People of the pund; generalization.
2. the mountain range of pund
--Punduras- where one may go holidaying
--Pundesliga- the official football league of the pundes.
--Compund-a complex mix of pund. in definite proportions.
Pundle-a lovable pund
--Pundroid-1.a mechanical pund
2. the superior pund OS
--Shizpund- a really shitty pund
--Pundwagon-the pund-mobile
--Repund-1.a pund for a pund
2.the same pund,again
--Vagapund- a pund you can find all over the place
--Pind da pund- a sikh pund
--sikh pund- a pund with a cold
--pundle doodle doo- a talking dog
--Pundonald-1.a pund who had a farm
2.where one obtains pund burgers.and pund fries.
--Hakuna Mapunda-it means no worries for the rest of your days
Chronicles of Pundia-how to make a pund your sister.
--Pound- how to beat the living pund outta someone
--iPund- gross innuendo
--pundler- a pund who starred in F.R.I.E.N.D.S
--pun-d- wordplay with the good word
--pundora-1.a box of pund
2.a place where you can listen to pund for free
--pundam-a pund in sanskrit
--repundation- how big a pund are you?