Entertainment media today, as it often does, has sparked a wee bit of introspection. I watched "Noone killed Jessica", and Jon Stewart's commentary on the Arizona Shottings of 8/11. Both pieces were politically charged, seeking to inform/catharsize/dramatize/remark its audience. And i found myself standing on no base to even have an opinion. I've numbed to events in the news, and facepalmed it as "just more bad news". I fear i may falling into the stereotype of the news not really reaching me,unless its dramatic, sexual, or something that's easy to have an opinion on, or wordplay material. It is imperative to not view news as isolated events, and they seldom are isolated. With few exceptions, every event is a lot like something before it, that should've had some learnings, and so should this event. There should be progress. That being one point of concern, the other being, is it a good thing if i collect tidbits of world happenings, as capsules of information, so that i may not scoffed at an intellectual conversation. Trivia for the trivial. It may be that i don't care. Empathy is definitely an integral part of an event mattering to people. Or may even be a symptom of laziness, since i started out late discovering reality.
A car-bomb in Jeddah is a tablet of news. No connection to me. But it is a result rhetoric/actions. It will spawn consequences. Without context, it is a haze that is easily forgotten.
I mostly boils down to reading more to inform myself, and form my own trail of breadcrumbs for every issue, and a mark that train of thought for later evaluation. That sounds like a lot of work.
I need to get a lot more sleep.
And maybe start a coffee regiment.